> Sam wrote:
> They are studies meant to attacking the right. They
> are funded by the left to make the right look bad.
> It's pretty obvious if you read their polls.

I personally refute the idea that there's a "right" and "left".

If you look at Mr. Bush's fiscal policies, how is being the largest
pork spender in history conservative?  Yet people consider
conservativism to be on the right.

You could also talk about the democratic imperialism (not
conservative) or the tax cuts to the wealthy and program cuts to the
poor (not Christian).

Today there are "Bush supporters" and "others".  Some of the others
occupy traditional left wing pigeon holes like environmentalism, some
are traditional conservatives like Douglas Bandow.

As further proof, look at the gun lobby: this is traditionally a
democratic issue (democratic-farmer-laborer tradition).  It's only in
the last 30 years that it's been considered "conservative".

As I've said, you can label yourself anything you'd like, but there's
no absolute "right" anymore, there's just Bush supporters who call
themselves "right" but are really quite liberal fiscally and radicals
(very liberal) with foreign policy (military invasion to force
political will).

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