Sounds more like a self fulfilling prophesy to me and expectational
set rather than any empirical data. Argument by anectdote simply
doesn't wash.


On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 22:32:48 -0600, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Kevin wrote:
> > I personally hate these kinds of tests. I find that people use labels
> > to limit themselves and their perception of others.
> Normally I'd agree with you, but in this case I can't due to empirical
> data.  I think the key is if both people know what their personality
> types are.  If they do, it assists in communication.
> Time and again I've seen it difuse arguments and broker deals.  It
> just works - try it with your wife!  Both of you take the tests, see
> if you agree with the description of your personality and, if so, use
> it as insight on how your wife may like to get or process information.
> My wife and I have been using it for a few years and it makes a huge 
> difference.
> Little things that used to cause fights are gone.  She'll say, "I know
> you're an ENTP so you'd like to go the party, by my ISTJ is really
> kicking in and I think we should stay home.  To help fulfill your ENTP
> needs, however, how about if we ask Jane and John over?"
> Works like a charm!

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