On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 08:06:05 -0400, Angel Stewart
> FACT: Iraq did NOT have the stockpiles of WMD that George Bush said he did.
> You trying to quote sources, and find reasons for this fact doesn't change it.

I don't remember Bush say he had stockpiles. He said he had the
materials to make the stockpiles of weapons and hasn't accounted for
them or given any evidence that he has destroyed them.

> FACT: ""So,therefore: one, we need to find out what went wrong in the 
> intelligence gathering."
> Your posting of Bush's quote does not change the Fact that the central 
> reasoning for going to war in Iraq was false.

The central reason for going to war was he continually broke the
international laws he agreed to abide by. The UN passed a resolution
just before the war stating Saddam had to give inspectors full access
and prove he destroyed his weapons or face severe consequences. He did


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