> Cameron wrote:

> I think this shows a great ignorance of the real problem.  Just
> because it not in your face doesn't mean it's a huge problem.
I don't understand what you're trying to say here.

Fully funded social security is not a problem unless you favor raiding
the SSTF for pork.  If that's ok with you, then, yes, it's a big

But, even if you're for the pork raids, it's still fully funded
without a dobut for the next 20 years and arguably until 2070.

Summary - depending on how fiscally conservative our congress and
President are, it may or may not be a problem.  The last 4 years have
seen some of the most fiscally liberal spending in history so, yeah,
it's a problem.

> Which this sort of partisan bullshit may of may not help you convince
> yourself that bush is evil

I don't think Mr. Bush is evil and yes, many presidents have
contributed to the problem.  The point is, the guy with his hand in
the cookie jar isn't the most credible person to talk about stolen

> Guaranteed income of not enough to live on?  Give me a break.

What?  SS is guaranteed income.  You won't live well, but you won't be
dying in front of the steam coming out of a storm sewer either. 
Boomers, by the way, are going to need it!

> > * In the years between 1964 and 1974 equity markets lost ~35%.
> You show be someone who retires after 10 years and I will show you the
> tooth fairy.

The point is if you were full up in the market and retired in 1963 by
1974 you were broke.  Of course the market provides great returns over
time but:

1.) The market as a whole does, not individual stocks.  Ask Enron
shareholders who used their options as their retirement plan.

2.) Even investing in index funds or ETFs doesn't GUARANTEE you the
money when you need it.  Only an annuity-type thing does that like
Social Security.

3.) Social Security should be part of 3-part retirement plan: 1 - part
from social security, 1 - part from Government incented savings like
401ks, and 1 - part from your own good fiscal sense (pensions,
investments, et. al).

The facts I used were to show that a majority of people over 50 have,
through their own fault, only social security to live on.  If you
start baking in risk to that you can bet that you're going have

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