I'm talking about the public education system, you go to a particular school
based on where you live.

Affirmative Action has no bearing on this.

We need to fix the schools, and the communities. We need to start raising
minorities that focus more on brain power and less on street power.

I'm talking about higher education, where you have to apply to get in. I'm
talking about the neighborhood elementary school that has one teacher for 45
students with 10 year old computers, bad heat and lighting.

These are the things I'm talking about. Affirmative Action doesn't mean
anything here.

-----Original Message-----
From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 8:03 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Who Doesn't Discriminate? (WAS: playing the race card)

I disagree.

They weren't penalised by a horrible education system. 
They were penalised by the racist social stratification of American society.

How do you intend to get 'real' education to minorities with the education
system stacked against them?
What are you going to use to effect that goal if not Affirmative Action?


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