Much to my consternation :) I am on Sam's side here. The site is
hardly fluff. It contains 22 separate videos and links to quite a
number of thoughtful pieces on the very real issues this case presents
to Catholic teaching. There are also links to articles in the secular
media, some, I grant you, to WorldNet, but not all of them... there
court documents are there and so is the timeline. It's a very cogent

I do see your bmj link but it's ten years old and you know what, half
the medical tests I have had the past couple of months are for things
discovered since then - factor v leiden to give one example. I turn
out to not have any of them, which is good, but it's also good that I
don't have an ex who determines what they test me for! Maybe that'd
the heart of my issue here. It's been less than three months since I
was told that I might be on oxygen the rest of my life. It turned out
the be two more days....medical understanding is an elusive thing and
I am inclined to err on the side of allowing life. Here is another
take on the whole thing, a link from the "nonsubstantive" site :)


On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 13:48:50 -0500, Larry C. Lyons
> Lets see if I can put it in small enough words for you to understand.
> The 5 court appointed neurologists agreed that Ms. Shaivo was in a
> persistent vegetative state. The AMA and BMA treatement guidelines
> state that no recovery is possible if this state lasts more than a
> year (AMA says 3 months). Ms. Shaivo has been in this state for 10
> years. There is only a body left that is steadily deteriorating (sorry
> falling apart). No matter how long that body lives there is nothing
> left in the brain. She will be like what she is for now on.
> As for the starvation, that is the only legal way to do it, look up
> withholding of treatment. US law forbids more active measures. In
> Shaivo's case it would be more humane to give an overdose of a
> tranquilizer, but that is not allowed.
> As for that web site, I see its up to your usual fine standards of
> veracity and quality. Lots of ranting fluff and almost nothing
> involving facts.
> On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 09:33:37 -0800, Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Tell him that's not true.
> >
> > Since Feb '93 they've been trying to remove him as guardian. Terri was
> > awarded $1.4 million from a malpractice lawsuit that goes to her
> > medical care. If she dies her husband inherits what's left, about $1
> > million.
> >
> > Ironically, Michael Schiavo never mentioned her so called wishes until
> > after the monetary award. Since then he's been trying to kill her.
> >
> > Also, he's been living with his fiance for ten years and has two kids with 
> > her.
> >
> > Main concern is they want to kill her by starvation. She's not on life 
> > support.
> >
> > Lot's of stuff.
> >
> >
> > On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 09:34:38 -0700, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > about a month or two ago? Christmastime? I suppose I could have
> > > misunderstood, but I don't think so....
> > >
> > > If they are not willing to pay for her care, the issue in my mind is
> > > somewhat different. To be blunt, if we are talking public health
> > > dollars, then the issue of triage perhaps should apply, especially if
> > > the matter is as hopeless as Larry says it is.
> > >
> > > Dana
> > >
> >
> >

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