Its not funny that they usually have money Tony.
What happened in the Caribbean Islands?
Yes..Whites invaded the islands and took them over to rape and pillage their 

So is it any wonder that after Slavery these white families retained ownership 
of the land and their plantations and therefore their
offspring through the years has benefitted from it? Not to mention taking 
advantage of uneducated indentured laborers and purchasing
their land for less than 1/4 of what it was worth and therefore even further 
expanding their assets.So no it isn't funny at all that
they are mostly affluent.

They are also not the MOST affluent. The East Indians and Syrians are I guess 
as a community the most affluent on the island. 

As for the what is colloquially termed here the 'White Boy' attitude, I guess 
it's understandable. If as a kid growing up in this
small population you have more money and privilege than the other people around 
you, are taught that you are better than those
around you, plus there is the barrage of 'superiority' etc. from the media and 
from the society at large then I think you'd have to
be a pretty big person to not be arrogant, ignorant and haughty to non -whites 
or people that don't form part of your 'clique'. It's
really only when they are exposed to the world outside of Trinidad when a large 
number of them are NOT considered 'White', that
reality hits home and they usually return humbled....for a while. I've also met 
racial rich Indians as well that have an attitude,
drive hot cars and get into sh*tloads of trouble. Some of my pardners have done 
so much crap that it just amazes me how they stay
out of jail! This is why I say in Trinidad that discrimination and the 
attitudes is a Class thing, not primarily a Race thing.A
middle class white family will more likely than not get along fine with a 
middle class black any given class there is a
multi racial multi ethnic mix in Trinidad. IT isn't necessarily a given that 
because you are black, you're poor. There are many many
black men driving BMWs and Benzs over here, which as you know cost TWICE as 
much here as they do in the US. It's class and money. 

Trinidad had a far easier time during slavery than the other Caribbean Islands 
it would seem, based on what little of our history I
There weren't any huge battles with lots of bloodshed etc. here as in say 
('Toussaint was a mighty man
And to make matters worse he was black!
Black and back in the days when black men knew Their place was in the back But 
this rebel he still walked through Napoleon Who
thought it wasn't very nice And so today, my brothers in Haiti, They still pay 
the price). 

The slave and indentured labourers were basically given their freedom here 
through the French I believe who had a policy here that
was far far more lenient on slaves than in other islands.Perhaps this is one of 
the reason why through the years the other Caribbean
islands appear to view us with distrust and jealousy. They all wouldn't mind 
coming here, but they never have anything good to say
about Trinbagonians and we oil!

I have no idea about the 'White' communities on the other islands, but I think 
by and large they have maintained a level of
affluence in the islands over the years, and Europe has certainly maintained 
its influence. Just in Tobago there has been an
alarming amount of property purchased by Germans over the years, to the point 
where some complain that Tobagonians no longer own

By the time our Caribbean societies and governments evolve to stop going after 
the quick buck and think long term for our islands it
may be too late, or they may have to enact drastic measures of 'land 
re-distribution'. Though there are islands far less privileged
than Trinidad (we are with surety the 'jewel' of the Caribbean. No other 
Caribbean island has the amount of mineral resources which
we do, plus Tourism in Tobago) that I think are more advanced culturally and 
from a Governmental perspective than we are. Perhaps
because they don't have a choice.

But I guess that's another thread.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

i wasnt... but i was jus looking for some root causes of your beliefs... i dont 
think 100% of your beliefs come from the media's
view of the USA and AA and RACISM, i suspected some of it came from personal 
experience.  funny how the triniwhites are merely
sub-10% of your population yet are the most affluent, by and large, and then i 
found a bit of resentment in regards to their
actions, and their ability to have that money handed down, by mommy and daddy...

its no wonder why white people are viewed the way we are viewed... in the 
international eyes... generally speaking...

i wonder if other countries see the same kind of white boy behaviour?


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