Pure BS and propaganda.

I'm talking about the average white person that does not have to face the 
discrimination and the racism in America succeeding, as
opposed to the black person that has to work 4 times as hard to get to the same 
damned place!That isn't right, and it isn't fair,
and your argument is rubbish in light of that fact.Actually, you *have* no 
argument. You're admitting that the problem exists, but
your response is that black people should just 'deal with it'.

To use your logic, Affirmative Action is not a problem! 
The white person who is driven to succeed will succeed and get their education 
and get their position in their company in spite of
Deal with it! Go to a different firm, or go to a different school!

If one bar doesn't let colored in, then they can build their own bar. 
Heck, they should have just built their own transportation system back in the 
days instead of causing all this Civil Rights trouble
in the first place eh?



-----Original Message-----
From: Gruss Gott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Both you and Gel are not understanding what I'm saying.  I am not saying that 
America is fair and discrimination free - it isn't,
and it never will be.  We are in complete agreement about that.

What I'm saying is that if you're a minority in this country, and willing to 
traverse roadblocks, you can go to a top school and get
a top job.  Period.  I know people that've done it, I've done it, my wife has 
done it, and many, many others have done it.

I know people that've moved here at 40, are black, and not spoken a word of 
english.  10 years after coming to America they're top
people in their field.

If you're committed to, say, being a partner at a top law firm, you can be.  
You may face discrimination along the way, you may have
to go to school B instead of school A, but you'll get it done if you're 
committed.  If some moron tells you to take a personality
test or says you're too dumb to succeed, leave.  You to a different firm, go to 
a different school.

The bottom line is, if it's not race or sex, it'll be weight.  They don't like 
you because you're too fat.  Or too skinny.  Or too
Or too tall.  Or have red hair.  Or have have curly hair.  Or speak too softly. 
 Or too loudly.  Or they don't like your family.  Or
it's Tuesday.  Or whatever.

You can be a victim, or you can achieve your goals.  It's your choice.

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