> Larry wrote:
> For instance that study I linked to
> that used resumes showed significant discrimination, with resumes with
> "black" sounding names having about 50% fewer callbacks than those
> with "white" sounding names. This held when the resumes were
> essentially identical and when the employer had to follow Federal
> requirements on employment hiring,

It's unclear if we're supposed to kill thread, but, personally I like
it!   Anyway, I know that says something, but I'm not sure it proves
anything.  I'd toss out 3 questions:

1.) Who's doing the discriminating?  Blacks or whites or other?  Man or woman?

2.) Does that really mean we need special program to force employers
to accept a quota of minorities, or does it mean we need a program to
do this sort of study and ask the screeners why they didn't call back
the "black" names?  Possibly with consequences attached to specific
findings?  That is, is AA the right "solution" to the right problem?

3.) Is this just for black names, but not for other minorities, i.e.,
women, hispanics, Asians, etc.?  Isn't a problem we have right now
that there are too many Americans not taking low paying jobs so we
have to import Mexicans that are more than willing to work (and do)? 
That is, why do blacks have problems getting jobs, but Mexicans seem
to be taking too many?

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