The hosting provider I have now is having problems with CFMX and CFObject usage with CardServices eCommerce files.
All their other servers run fine except the server I am on. This has been going on for about 2 weeks or so now. I have about 5 clients and a few sub-domains. Even though the hosting provider has great rates, no other provider can truly match it. But I am paying for a Gateway service and such and not being able to use it right now. So in retrospect, I am losing $$ with it not being working. I am trying to wait patiently but wearing thin. Erika L. Walker-Arnold wrote: >My question is why? >With hosting as cheap as it is ... Why? > >Cheers, >Erika >-------------------------------------------------- > >##| -----Original Message----- >##| From: Adkins, Randy >##| >##| I am considering hosting my own site on my own server. > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble Ticket application Message: Archives: Subscription: Unsubscribe: Donations & Support: