> Brian wrote:
> This notion that the wealthy are somehow "evil" and should be doubly taxed
> represents my biggest beef with the left.  But then, i'm an admitted
> capitalist.

Well, first I think the pursuit of wealth turns a fundamentally
destructive (evil?) trait of humans, greed, into force for good.  So I
don't think the wealthy, or wealth, is evil.

Nor do I think that moral responsibility for economic success and
capitalism are mutually exclusive.

But let's remove the emotions and look at a geometric curve: The
percentage of those that control our country's resources has been
dropping while the amount of resources each controls has been growing
over the last 100 years.

Currently about the top 1% of our nation's earners control about 50%
of it's wealth and those percentages are changing as previously

At what point does revolt happen?  I think we can look to the birth of
our country, the French Revolution, or the Russian Revolution for

The point is that at some point, unless you're part of that shrinking
1% you'll favor a redistribution of wealth - possibly by violence as
your ancestors did.

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