Its time for Axe laws.  

All axes must be registered.  No axe can be purchased without registering it 
and a five day waiting period (otherwise known as a cooling off period, you can 
have a fire in five days when you have proven you only want to cut firewood). 

All owners of Axes or Hatchets must provide proof of attending a Axe / hatchet 
safety course.  This requirement may replaced if the individual has proof of 
having earned any of the following merit badges Pioneering, Camping, Outdoor 
fire safety, from Scouting (Boy Scout, Girl Scouts, Rainbow Girls(nothing to do 
with San Francisco or Jessie Jackson) or any other similar group that does not 
have ties to any radical, militant or terrorist group. 

Hatchets longer than 12" and smaller than 18" need not be registered. Any 
hatchet over 18" will be considered an Axe and will therefore need to be 

Hatchets under 12" need to be registered and one must obtain a concealed weapon 
permit before transporting one in public. 

Anyone purchasing more than two of any combination of Axes and or hatchets will 
be reported to the FBI and the department of Homeland Security as a potential 

All stores selling such destructive devices must report sales figures for these 
devices on a quarterly basis. Likewise said locations need to display Axe and 
Hatchet safety posters for public viewing. 

No axe or hatchet may be used on Federal Land without an Axe/hatchet use permit 
in possession.  Permit will be limited to hours of use and times of year.  The 
permit process takes approximately 8 - 12 weeks so planning your axing in 
advanced.  There will also be a limit to the number of permits allowed in an 
giving location at any given time.  The rule is one Axe or hatchet permit in 
use per every 24 camp sites.  This will reduce the number of axes being used at 
any one time.  This rule does two things.  First it reduces the chance of axe 
fights or riots secondly it satisfies the efforts of the tree huggers to reduce 
the amount of trees and other foliage being senselessly hacked into firewood. 

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