Consider that maybe she doesn't want to die and doesn't have to be the
way she is. We don't know because her husband hasn't bothered to find
out. The issue here is that the lower court is traditionally the
finder of fact, and so you can only appeal on procedural grounds. But
the case is fundamentally wrong. Nobody should have to fight like this
to make sure that good medical care is available to anyone. I would
not be arguing this if there were an opinion in from a neurologist
based on an MRI.

Look at it this way, even Scott Peterson is going to get his appeals.
But Terri Schiavo does not because of a catch-22 -- she can't divorce
her husband because he is trying to kill her and he can try to kill
her cause she can't divorce him.

But hey, with sufficient media repetition that someone's life is not
worth living, I guess it all becomes good. I am beginning to
understand rants about the media. There is no good evidence that this
woman is in fact in a vegetative state. I got more diagnostic care
than she did when I went to the ER with a headache for chissake.


On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 18:49:24 -0500, Jerry Johnson
> Because people with absolutely no standing in the case are sticking their 
> noses into something that should be OVER AND DONE.
> Everything they are doing has a single purpose. Further delay.
> The courts have ruled. There is nothing more to argue. The court's have ruled 
> that it was her wish to go. That ruling has been appealed. And delayed. And 
> appealed. And overridden by an "activist" governor. and appealed. and taken 
> to the supreme court. and appealed.
> <RANT>
> Let her die for God's sake!
> </RANT>
> Where have all these concerned people been for the last 14 years?
> Why do they wait until the last day to file such petitions? What were they 
> doing last month? Last year?
> Isn't there any number of people in the US that need this kind of help and 
> support before we worry about this brain-dead shell of a woman?
> Where was Jeb when that little girl went missing from Child services right 
> there in his little state? Oh, right, he had more important things on his 
> plate, like randomly overruling court decisions.
> Jerry Johnson
> Web Developer
> Dolan Media Company
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/17/05 06:37PM >>>
> so gee it isn't important that she may in fact not be medically
> hopeless? Let's just kill her and get it over with? Why not just give
> the parents custody -- that will get it off the news screens too. I am
> sorry, I had grave doubts before and I have even more now. I see no
> reason to starve this woman to death. None.
> I am not sure why the Florida judge is so adamant about this but I
> think the case cries out for federal review and I applaud -- I never
> thought I would say anything of the kind -- I applaud the action of
> the US Republican caucus.
> Gee, perhaps some diagnostic tests, even. It's about 15 years late but
> better late than never.

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