Well, you definitively have your opinion. I can see it will not change. You 
have very strong opinions on the evils of the medical profession, the evils of 
men, and the evils of suicide.

She is a poor, healthy woman being killed by her mean, evil, money grubbing 
husband. Which I have to say I think is a load of [EMAIL PROTECTED] As do most 
people.  There isn't anything in a decade that indicates anything but 
brain-death. You may not want to believe that, but it really doesn't matter 
what you (or I) believe. The husband is the one with the right to make that 
decision. The courts have consistently backed that up. It's all over but the 
starvation at this point.

She can certainly divorce her husband. Just get her to fill out a divorce 
certificate and sign it. Oh, right. She can't. And no, her parents can't file 
the divorce for her. Which is a good thing, or a lot more people would be 
divorced if it was up to the in-laws.

Why do you think she doesn't want to die? Have you talked to her about it? Do 
you know her better than all of the people who testified before a judge who 
ruled it to be her wish? If I had the choice of laying in a hospital bed for a 
couple of decades rotting or going to "meet my maker", there is no doubt which 
I would choose.

Can you list for me every single doctor and medical test that she has gone 
through in all the years? Can you absolutely say that the medical care she 
received upon hospitalization was subpar? Or are you saying the hospital and 
all the doctors are in on it with the husband? What about the original lawsuit 
the husband won? Don't you think the defense might have looked into her health 
during the case? Or are they in on it too?

And finally, what do you mean there is no good evidence? Are you qualified to 
make that call? Have you seen all the medial evidence? Have you examined her? I 
haven't either, but medical professionals (who I do mostly trust) with no stake 
in the case have consistently reviewed the evidence and concluded she is in a 
persistent vegetative state. There isn't a whole lot of controversy on it, from 
what I have read. Are they ALL liars? To me it sounds a lot like the 
creationist argument that if you can find 1 "scientist" to back your view it is 
just as scientifically viable as any other view, regardless of the 
preponderance of opinions to the contrary.

Jerry Johnson
Web Developer
Dolan Media Company

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/17/05 07:07PM >>>
Consider that maybe she doesn't want to die and doesn't have to be the
way she is. We don't know because her husband hasn't bothered to find
out. The issue here is that the lower court is traditionally the
finder of fact, and so you can only appeal on procedural grounds. But
the case is fundamentally wrong. Nobody should have to fight like this
to make sure that good medical care is available to anyone. I would
not be arguing this if there were an opinion in from a neurologist
based on an MRI.

Look at it this way, even Scott Peterson is going to get his appeals.
But Terri Schiavo does not because of a catch-22 -- she can't divorce
her husband because he is trying to kill her and he can try to kill
her cause she can't divorce him.

But hey, with sufficient media repetition that someone's life is not
worth living, I guess it all becomes good. I am beginning to
understand rants about the media. There is no good evidence that this
woman is in fact in a vegetative state. I got more diagnostic care
than she did when I went to the ER with a headache for chissake.

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