Also forgot to mention that there's been some interesting facts on fox
news's presentation of these CNA's and affidavits:

Judge Greer also had an interesting take on the issue:
    The remaining affidavits deal exclusively with events which
allegedly occurred in the 1995-1997 time frame. The court feels
constrained to discuss them. They are incredible to say the least. Ms.
Iyer details what amounts to a 15-month cover-up which would include
the staff of Palm Garden of Lago Convalescent Center, the Guardian of
the Person, the Guardian ad Litem, the medical professionals, the
police and, believe it or not, Mr. and Mrs. Schindler. Her affidavit
clearly states that she would "call them (Mr. and Mrs. Schindler)
anyway because I thought they should know about their daughter." The
affidavit of Ms. Law speaks of Terri responding on a constant basis.
Neither in the testimony nor in the medical records is there support
for these affidavits as they purport to detail activities and
responses of Terri Schiavo. It is impossible to believe that Mr. and
Mrs. Schindler would not have subpoenaed Ms. Iyer for the January 2000
evidentiary hearing had she contacted them as her affidavit alleges.



On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 11:21:24 -0500, Larry C. Lyons
> Here's the actual link
> I was responding directly to one person's comments from a couple of
> days ago. As usual it was from a biased source that did not include
> all the information.
> larry
> On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 09:42:08 -0600, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > link?
> >
> > Dana
> >
> > On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 23:49:58 -0500, Larry C. Lyons
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I finally got around to reading the three afidavits of the CNA's
> > > (certified nursing assistants) that those in favour of letting Ms
> > > Shiavo's remains live insisted proved otherwise, here's my take on
> > > them:
> > > After reading these affidavits I think it safe to say that the internal
> > > inconsistencies render unacceptable to any unbiased judge.
> > >
> > > Heidi Law reports that she worked evenings and overnight shifts for
> > > only a few months but reports about how Terri was handled after lunch.
> > > Since this doesn't correspond to her earlier statements that she
> > > worked only in the hours between 3 PM and 7 AM. Coupled with the
> > > extremely short period of time she reports she was in contact with
> > > Terri Schiavo this affidavit would be rejected as of no value.
> > >
> > > Carolyn Johnson is clearly lying. She claims to have asked why Terri
> > > Schiavo wasn't sitting in a chair with a cup and straw available.
> > > Since Mrs. Schiavo cannot swallow and must be fed and hydrated through
> > > a tube inserted into her stomach her claim is pretty clearly false.
> > >
> > > Carla Iyer is making claims unsupported by any other evidence and in
> > > direct contradiction with those of various examining physicians from
> > > the same period. Further CT scans from 1998 show that Mrs. Schiavo's
> > > cerebral cortex was almost completely withered and that C-S fluid has
> > > filled in the volume previously filled with gray matter. Without the
> > > tissue which was no longer present speech is not possible. Her claims
> > > that her notes on Mrs. Schiavo's chart were removed are unbelievable.
> > > Notes are entered in ball point and deleting them would result in
> > > either obvious markings or require new pages on the chart which would
> > > not be signed by the nurse on duty which is standard practice. This
> > > would be easy to check and I'm confident that examination would
> > > indicate no irregularities as Iyer's complaint seems to be a classic
> > > disgruntled ex-employee statement. This is the only one of the three
> > > that merits even the least investigation. Since it was possible to
> > > find that this affidavit was submitted to the court 18 months ago and
> > > was part of at least 2 different hearings I must conclude that no
> > > corroborating evidence exists.
> > >
> > >
> >
> > 

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