>1. Way back in JUNIOR HIGH (probably earlier) we all SHOULD HAVE
learned the difference between the words (and more importantly, when to
use them):
They're, Their, and There. Everytime I see someone misusing one of these
I want to club them, hard. This has to be the most misused word EVER!!!!

My son's school is getting a new principal next year.  She was just out
of college a couple of years ago.  She got her teaching job because she
volunteered to coach volleyball.  She's sort of cute.  But...

This lady has the worst spelling and grammar skills I have ever seen in
a teacher, or any illiterate person, for that matter.

I don't how how she got the job, but let's assume she banged the top of
her head on the bottom side of the desk a few times.  I don't know how
else she could have gotten her job.

This leads me to my gripe about degrees.  Sure, education is great for
certain careers.  I, personally, don't have a degree.  Also, working at
this university and seeing the PhDs that can't spell or type correctly
has me sour on the whole education thing as well.

Then, to see university's chunk out easy diplomas so that cute ladies
can get a job as principal, for which they are totally unqualified, that
totally floors me.

If stupid people teach other stupid people, how long can the human race
exist until they get so stupid that they cease to exist?

(Also, please notice I didn't end a single sentence a preposition with.)


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