>3. I'll fucking go when I see the light turn green. Your horn does
nothing but piss me off, so don't press it. In fact, if you do, I will
probably go when the light turns yellow; leaving you behind to wait for
another cycle.
Hopefully you are an ass riding tail-gater that is WAY too close to
switch lanes without hitting my car.... serves ya right!

Wow, you have some good rants.

I hate people who think that, since the car in front of them turned left
on red, they can follow and be protected by that other car.

After about three to four cars that run the left-turn-on-green-only
signal, I usually floor the Corvette and stop short of hitting them.  I
know that if I do hit them, it would be my fault, but don't fuck with me
by taking some of my green-light time.  I need every second to race to
the next light before it turns red.

Where are the damn cops when you need them?


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