> 6. People who don't flush the toilet. It is simple, we all
> know how they
> work, use it. I am 100% sure no one wants to see the giant
> log you just
> dropped off. In fact, if you do it again, I will break
> into your house and
> leave an "upper decker" in your bathroom. An upper decker
> is where you take
> a dump on the top of the tank and let it sit there. You
> want that? I don't,
> flush the damn toilet you barn animal.

As long as we're being graphic...

People who go to movie theaters (well men, not sure about women)
who... it seems like _ALL_ of them seem to think that the rules of
ettiquette in a restroom are completely different in a movie theater
than anywhere else in the world, and that the proper ettiquette is to
walk into the stall, close the door, face the door and turn 360
degrees to ensure that not only the entire seat but every wall in the
stall is covered in urine. The strange thing is this seems (to me)
like a new thing -- I don't remember them being nearly as nasty
growing up. Or have the movie theaters just stopped cleaning them?

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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