If you read the below exchange Loathe (or maybe Gruss, I'm not sure)
described their opinion of a subject which at the time of description
fit the context fo the discussion ("it demoralizes Americans").

Instead of presenting an alternative argument, you responded with name
calling ("Only people like you do that") which is only a hairs breadth
away from "No I didn't, you did! You stink! Poo poo head!". (If you're
scratching your head, the "name" in this case is "people like you" and
it's a name because you then associate "people like you" with
demoralizing Americans. In other words "you're a [insert pejorative
here]".) So... to recap: someone says "I believe the war is
demoralizing Americans" and you respond with "you're a demoralizing
jerk". Sounds like a very mature response to me.

If nothing else it was a foolish statement (what purpose did name
calling serve?). Loathe responded to the name-calling by expressing
his belief that you are a fool (which is more name-calling, so we're
not exactly elevating ourselves here, but I digress), so you called
him a child... after having said (to paraphrase), "nuh uh, we're
right, you're wrong, you suck!".

Your pretense of being superior here is thin. You're acting like a
child and then calling the other person childish and pretending to be
"the mature one" in this conversation. Hence the insult. I think you
deserved it. Hope it helps. Probably won't but I never know, there's
an outside chance the person you insulted might receive an apology.

> My saying Gruss' views about America being an evil empire
> that attacks innocent Iraqis demoralizes America is not
> name calling is it? Maybe, but not childish.

> Now you're insulting me. whatever.

> On 7/1/05, S. Isaac Dealey wrote:
>> Loathe: 6.) It demoralizes Americans.
>> Sam: Only people like you do that.
>> Loathe: You are a fool
>> Sam: It's hard to have an adult conversation with people
>> when they act
>> like children.
>> ike: How is it that the guy who started the name calling
>> gets to claim
>> the other person is acting like a child? Oh wait...
>> childish behavior
>> doesn't need or want a reason... nevermind... go about
>> your pretending
>> to be superior.

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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