Tariff based trade, with a minimalist government would work.  Levy tariffs
against imports and exports, change all roads to toll roads.  Switch to a
'service based' model, where you pay for what you use.

By minimalist government you have to realize that I mean like 80% of our
government just gone.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:06 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: GitMo (Was: speaking of)

What government model would support that? Laws, by their very intent,
are a limitation of freedoms in order to create order and the process
of governing those laws needs to be funded somehow. Whether the money
flows directly or indirectly, there are costs to everything.

The key is finding a balance.

On 7/7/05, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When will there be a party that favors leaving both our money and our
> freedoms alone?

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