On 7/7/05, Gruss Gott wrote:
> As I've said before, you can't rid the world of pests with a local
> attractant - it just kills the dumb ones.  The smart ones get that
> much more clever and go train others.

Well McCain seems to disagree with you.


Thursday, July 7, 2005 1:55 p.m. EDT
John McCain: We Must Take the Fight to the Enemy

"You've got to go where they're bred, and that happens to be in these
madrassahs that are funded by the Saudis, where the [terrorists] are
taught to hate and destroy the West and everything we stand for.

"We've got to go where these terrorists breed ... in the Middle East,
with the followers of extreme Islamic fundamentalism.

"We can take preventive measures, but the best way to prevent these
attacks is to go after them where they breed."

McCain also defended current U.S. foreign policy that is pushing
democracy all over the world, saying, "Repressive and oppressive
governments also provide the incentives for this kind of extremism and
that's why we're fighting hard for Democracy in the Middle East,
whether it be in Egypt or Iraq or any of these other Middle Eastern
countries - that's why Afghanistan was so important."

McCain also doesn't believe the convoluted notion that we are somehow
creating more terrorists by fighting them.

"These people were bent on our destruction [before] September 11 ...
we had not had a war in Iraq at that time. ... It's clear that there
is a breeding ground of radical Islamic extremism that predates
anything the U.S. has done."

He added, "If you believe that Iraq is a breeding ground, then we
should do everything we can to further the process of democracy and
stability in Iraq."

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