Dana, I'm usually on your side, but I think it's easy for you to sit 
back and postulate from way across the country.  If you were living in 
NYC, I think you'd have a different perspective.  There are just too 
many "coincidences" in this scenario to not have it raise a red flag.

Also, I think your comment about it being a "Fox News Photo Op" seems a 
little strange, seeing as how this really has nothing to do with 
politics.  I thought you said you weren't a liberal?  Lashing out at Fox 
News without provocation seems like a very liberal thing to do, IMO.


Dana wrote:
> Exactly what part of the scenario cannot be explained by being an
> illegal alien? I see a lot of innuendo. "Holed up," forsooth. Since
> when is a subway map evidence of bad intent?
> Dana

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