> Sam wrote:
> Now instead of thinking that Bush is being rapidly poisoning the
> country, lets talk about the good.

It's not just canned fish that has the problem, it's anything that
lives in water!  ANYTHING!  Scallops, clams, oysters, lobsters, crab,
perch, anything.  And it's not just if it's canned, the mercury is in
any part of any creature that lives in the water.  Meaning tuna
steaks, sushi, Subway seafood salad, anything.

Further, the point isn't whether it's Mr. Bush's fault, it's whether
he's contributing to the problem and the answer is yes.  For that he
should be held accountable along with everyone else that has a hand in
it.  (yes, yes, whatever the letter behind their name is.  I know
that's of primary importance to you.)

Try to think logically rather than politically.

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