Still you stated:
1.) A contract is only as good as the parties that sign it.
 If you're talking about land deeds signed by Palestinians being
worthless because they can't be trusted then same applies to there
2.) In the case of an ownership dispute, possession is 9/10ths of the law.
 Jews are living there now. 
3.) The biggest gun wins.
 Jews win.

So stay neutral or support the fair owner?
See the dancing comes in because I can't tell when you're referring to
the Jews or not. You might mean that Palestinians had possession. I
remember from previous discussions that you favor the Palestinians.

On 8/15/05, Gruss Gott  wrote:

> In order to verbally "dance" you have to be ambiguous on your position
> which I am anything but.
> The answer to your question is provided inside it: you remain neutral.
>  Let's try another analogy:
> On salmon vs Grizzly bears, where do you stand?  Neutral you say?  But
> how can you be neutral when the bears will accept nothing but the
> death and consumption of the salmon?
> You see, you don't care and neither party even knows you exist - the
> ultimate neutrality.  Now if you'd like to negotiate a peace, you may
> try to get the bears an alternative food source, or the salmon a
> different spawning area, or something inbetween.
> You clearly are not the person for that job.

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