Tell her you are going to report her to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement 
that she destroyed a resident alien card. Doubt what laws, if any, that 
would fall under.

Then, I would protest her store with a sign that says...

"ABC Coffee Shop stole and destroyed my personal belongings. Ask me how!"

But make sure you do not post the name and address of the coffee shop on the 
list. You do not want anyone looking up the phone number in google, calling 
her, and telling her what a rotten person she is. ;-)

On 9/9/05, William Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Serious questions:
> What are the ramifications of losing your green card? Deportation?
> Loss of services?
> How much will it cost you (time, fees, etc) to get a replacement card
> (I can only assume that a replacement will take less time than a new
> card issue)?
> semi-serious question:
> Ask the owner to explain how such a brobdignagian retardate was
> allowed to rise to a position of authority?
> and then:
> Sue the shit out of the store.
> --
> will
> "If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
> and that would just be unacceptable."
> - Carrie Fisher

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