I thought it was great until I clicked on a menu and got a PDF. What a
bother. Having a PDF to download and print is fine, but not as the only
means to view the menu. Also, just to be a grammar Nazi, since you have
multiple menus, the header on the menu page should say "our award winning

Technical glitch in Netscape, on the rollovers when you move the mouse down
the list, the buttons turn gray but never go back to black.

Graphically, it looks very good. Especially the steak on the front page


On 10/26/05, Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> please take a look, if you have time and let me know what you think of the
> site.
> the old site is:
> http://www.marketstreetinnsalisbury.com
> the new site im doing is:
> http://www.marketstreetinnsalisbury.com/new2

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