> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick McClure [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 1:01 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: Ouch
> >This is the same rhetoric men like Ashcroft and GW use. "If we
> don't do it,
> >then it will be too late when we need it and it will be your fault, not
> >mine." Well, I just don't feel that anyone will ever, if we are
> smarter with
> >our FBI and CIA, fire a BM at us. I mean, let's say they get ABM
> working in
> >the next 10 years at a cost of 400 billion. What then? What if,
> in that same
> >10 years, you can fit a nuke into a coke can? Or a brief case (I
> know - you
> >already can)? Or a hand-held rocket launcher?
> These nukes are not capable of the mass destruction that can come from a
> Ballistic Missile. They are much smaller. While they are just as
> important
> to stop, why don't we try to protect our selves against everything?

Because we can't Nick. We should spend money on the *most likely*. One
suitcase nuke is not as bad as one ICBM with 40 warheads, granted. 100 would
be. Spread that out over say 100 years (remember, these people have carried
hatreds in their collective memories for eons now. What effect would it have
on the world to have a nuke go off, say once a year, in a major city or at a
nuclear power plant. No, I just don't believe there is that much possibility
of a BM being fired at us.

> >How will that money, squandered on a very unlikely event, save us? I tell
> >you, educating people will do far more good than building these systems.
> >People in shithole countries, with nothing to loose, are far
> more likely to
> >feel there is an injustice in the world, than people who have a
> Nintendo and
> >are reasonably happy with there situation. Granted, there will always be
> >extremists, but we can make it a lot harder for them to hide by
> making the
> >people who would support them uncomfortable with the prospect of the
> >extremists messing up what they had learned and built. Education and
> >tolerance would tend to stop the fighting.
> Not all people want these things. They are not all extremists.

So you are saying let them live in shitholes? I don't understand. What I am
saying it that many of these people in the world, angry at the US, are so
because they look around them and see injustice and exploitation by this

I am curious, why do any of you think Bin Laden and his ilk hate the West so

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