Larry what we have here is the utilitarian philosophy run amok. It is
a reasonably valid if somewhat depressing system of thought. Remember,
in thi s thinking charity has benefits to the giver as well. And by
the way when I say valid I mean that it can explain most behavior.

On 1/9/06, Larry C. Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You're dead sure about those.
> To start, capitalism as we know it is a relatively recent phenomenon.
> Its an outgrowth of the merchantile system of the 16th and 17th
> centuries. Before that commerce was extremely regulated, either at the
> local level - think merchant guilds or by royal charter. In Byzantium
> and its successor states things were even more regulated - to even
> open up a small shop in Constantinople, you needed direct permission
> from the Emperor, or a senior flunkey. From what I understand Rome
> used a similar system. You have to admit that it was fairly successful
> - over 1500 years of people living and working under this system.
> As for greed being important, again I'm not sure about it. There's
> been a fair amount of research on cooperative and altruistic behavior
> both in humans and in animals, in both lab and field conditions.
> While Darwin may have been correct, more recent work in sociobiology
> suggests that cooperative behavior may be more important in the long
> run in terms of passing on one's genes.
> Besides if greed was all that paramount, then we'd still be in a
> Hobbsian situation where life is nasty brutish and short.
> larry
> On 1/9/06, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Gel wrote:
> > > Gruss is saying that Capitalism = Greed. Capitalism is good and the
> > > only viable economic model, and therefore Greed and all that goes with
> > > it is good.
> > >
> > > Gruss also believes that any form of government beside a laissez Faire
> > > Capitalist Democracy is wrong.
> > >
> >
> > Rule #1 of these discussions that you let me tell you what I believe.
> > Ask questions if you like, but don't tell me what I believe.
> >
> > Here's what I believe:
> >
> > 1.) Nobody on this planet is immune from greed.
> >
> > 2.) People can and do put other's needs before their own.  We all do
> > it quite often, but not often enough to trust that we will always do
> > it if we came to power.
> >
> > 3.) Any socio-economic system that trusts its rulers/leaders/law
> > makers to rule selflessly will fail.
> >
> > Here's what I remember from history class:
> >
> > * We tried the king deal.  Guess what?  Didn't work.  Turns out that,
> > sure, you can get a good king for awhile but then a bad one comes
> > along and fecks everything up (for greed, power, and chicks.  not in
> > that order).
> >
> > * We tried the socialist thing.  Doesn't work.  see above.
> >
> > So, yeah, I think it's foolhardy to think that any system that doesn't
> > assume it's rulers are greedy, selfish, and power hungry will succeed.
> >  It won't.  There's thousands of years of experiments to back that up.
> >
> > And, yes, I think the most benevolent system ever invented is
> > capitalism.  It's egalitarian and provides freedom and rule of law by
> > its very nature.  But sure there's plenty of room for improvement.
> >
> > In a capitalist society, Gel is free to give up his PS2 and instead
> > spend that money on the poor.  He's free to give his club money and
> > his car to the needy.  He can ask the homeless to live with him.  He
> > can adopt abandoned children, volunteer at the hospital, or become a
> > special needs teacher.
> >
> > But Gel doesn't do any of those things because he's greedy.  Making
> > sanctimonious speeches about me helps him to forget that doesn't
> > practice what he preaches.
> >
> > For me, I'll earn the money to pay for the hospital via taxes.  And
> > I'll be honest about my greed.  And I'll remember that when I get my
> > custom exhaust installed next week I'll have paid for Brent Labree's
> > meals.  And the installer will use my money to pay for his kid's ski
> > trip.  And the ski resort will pay the salaries of the college
> > students that work there who'll use the money to educate themselves.
> > And the professors at the college will use the money to ...
> >
> > .... and soon we'll all be wealthy.  But let's at least be honest about
> > our greed.
> >
> >

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