> Gel wrote:
> You fail to see that nothing you are describing there can accurately
> be termed "Greed".

greed n.

    An excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs
or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth.

So, Gel, do you "need" your playstation?  Do you need to go to clubs
or buy that new gamebox?  Nope.  Therefore, it's greed.

But call it what you want ... call it "acquisitiveness".  Whatever you
call it, capitalism is built around it and when coupled with an
egalitarian legal system it allows every person to be aspirational up
to their own preferences.  It allows everyone to be a millionaire if
they're willing to work hard enough.  At least in America.  The same
can't be said of Europe, but it's getting better there (even China is
catching on).

So all of these government wonders you love aren't provided by "the
government", they're provided by "acquisitive" consumers. (they're
called consumers for a reason)  Many work just hard enough to be
middle class.  This allows them to pay for themselves, their families,
your government services, and probably give some to charity.  As well
as give some of their time.

There's no government money tree.  Those services are provided by
consumers who work due to their own choosing, in fields of their own
choice, to acquire material wealth, to provide themselves a lifestyle
they set.

It just so happens that along the way the miracle of capitalism turns
their selfish pursuits into charity.

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