uh.. millions of dolars strikes me as a fairly large grant. Or had you seen the 
news articles I posted yet when you put this up? If you can't see the subsidy 
involved in keeping Walmart's workers healthy for them, take a look at the 
incentives to locate in IL and KY, and I am sure elsewhere... those were just 
the ones I could find in 30 seconds.


>One entry found for subsidy.
>Main Entry: sub·si·dy
>Pronunciation: 's&b-s&-dE, -z&-
>Function: noun
>Inflected Form(s): plural -dies
>Etymology: Middle English, from Latin subsidium reserve troops, support,
>assistance, from sub- near + sedEre to sit -- more at SUB-, SIT
>: a grant or gift of money: as a : a sum of money formerly granted by the
>British Parliament to the crown and raised by special taxation b : money
>granted by one state to another c : a grant by a government to a private
>person or company to assist an enterprise deemed advantageous to the public
>Therefore, not a subsidy.
>Swing and a miss.
>Try again hun.

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