Heh unless someone wants a CF developer that has a loose understanding of OO
and Java (read I have supported Java apps, and enhanced them, never written
one from ground up) and is willing to help me rellocate from Ohio then I am
guessing leaving is not an option, though from my understanding Walmart is a
great employer (loads silver bullets for zombie thread).

Fact is I don't mind java, hell I enjoy programing in it and learning more
about it, I just think its a bad business decision to move away from
Coldfusion. I know CF is quicker to develope in, and has a lower learning
curve, ect. Problem is most of these are not quantifiable and verifiable
from third parties. Convincing someone they should invest in CF while not
presenting solid numbers is sometimes hard. Ecspecially for a company that
for the last decade has pretty much taken IBMs or some other Technology
company's word as the gospel. Its like a kid that is just starting to think
on its own. The company is going to make bad decisions, I just don't want
this to be one of them. As pationate as I am about CF if java was the right
single language solution I would say go for it.


On 1/24/06, Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> dont understand?
> need more info.
> and if you cannot find the cf ammo you need from a couple google's or
> some blog roll, then, maybe it is time to say good bye adam :)
> are your higher ups trying to say goodbye to cf, and you are tasked with
> proving
> its worth?
> tw
> On 1/24/06, Adam Haskell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yes I know we have all heard this before. Java vs Coldfusion. Its a
> stupid
> > argument I have avoided it for years. Coldfuion compliments Java; It
> provide
> > a wealth of benifits. Well some groups don't see the beifits and the
> push
> > out of coldfusion has begun, just as soon as you start to enjoy
> everything
> > and think the light is at the end of the tunnnel. Now we are faced with
> > providing "quantifiable" benifits of Coldfusion. Any help to articles,
> blog
> > entries, published study results would be awesome. Many thanks to anyone
> and
> > everyone.
> >
> > Soon to be ex-CFer,
> >
> > Adam Haskell
> >
> >
> >

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