Well, you can see that the Palestinians are not ready to join the
world and govern a reasonable modern state. Why didn't the Palestinian
security forces protect the EU offices, and arrest those making the
threats? Isn't that what a government is supposed to do?

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Palestinian gunmen Thursday shut down the European
Union's office in Gaza City, demanding an apology for German, French
and Norwegian newspapers reprinting cartoons featuring the prophet
Mohammad, Palestinian security sources said.

The gunmen left a notice on the EU office's door that the building
would remain closed until Europeans apologize to Muslims, many of whom
consider the cartoons offensive.

Muslims consider it sacrilegious to produce a likeness of the Prophet
Mohammad. CNN has chosen to not show the cartoons out of respect for

Masked members of the militant groups Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Al
Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian's former
ruling party, Fatah, fired bullets into the air, and a man read the
group's demands. (Masked gunmen demand an apology)

Palestinian officials said the gunmen were threatening to kidnap
European workers if the European Union did not apologize.

A similar demonstration was held Monday in front of the same EU
building to protest the first publication of the 12 drawings in
September by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten.

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