The cartoons are from September. It's only an issue because of boycotts and 
threats of death. If there were no threats, there would be no issue. Jews 
and Christians don't threaten death when cartoons against them are posted so 
there's never an issue. Again, look in Arab newspapers to see what they 
publish and you'll see worse stuff than what was published 5 months ago in 
The other papers are publishing to show support in the face of threats of 
violence. Again, something you don't see from Jews, Christians or just about 
any other religion.
I'm not against Islam or Muslims, I'm against the stupid mofos who rape and 
kill in it's name. I'm against the extremists who bomb their own people, my 
people and would bomb yours as well if they could. I'm against the people 
who go out of their way to rile up their brothers to these extremes. We're 
just hearing now about a pamphlet going around the Muslim world published by 
Muslims to showcase not only the Danish pictures but others as well. I'm 
waiting to see hard news coverage of this before posting a link, but this 
was a non-issue for 5 months until 'someone' riled the Muslim world up and 
it wasn't the Danish.

> It's only reported as an issue about 'Freedom of Speech' because the
> subject matter is Islam. Were it Jewish or Christian the entire world
> would have sided with the Jews or the Christians in denouncing the
> comic and it would most definitely not have been republished.The
> action would have been highly criticised and those publishing such
> would be seen as 'Extremists'.

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