> Your argument sounds stupid. :)

That's because you either refuse, or are incapable of, understanding it, 
apparently. Because your comments that follow don't address any aspect of my 

> You're still saying "I'm in the 'in' crowd, so you're wrong/stupid".
> That's a logical non-sequitur for starters.

And here's the evidence. I can't even begin to figure out where you are 
getting this idea from.....

> On the subject of killing in particular, it's not black and white. You
> say "it's allways wrong to kill except in self defense", but killing
> isn't always black and white and self-defense isn't always black and
> white.
>  There's assasination for starters -- the question of whether or
> not you would have killed Hitler if you had the opportunity and knew
> before hand is a classic example. Lots of folks believe abortion is
> murder, but if you read Freakonomics, you know that even if there were
> an absolute truth to the idea that abortion is murder, the subject
> would still not be black and white because of what we know to be the
> societal repercussions of a ban on abortion in the past.

I agree there are some very contentious issues in which the morality is most 
certainly NOT clear. Your examples point to that. But Isaac, aren't there 
also situations where the morality IS very clear?

> I'm not saying that whatever a culture wants to do is fine. When I
> believe that my culture is doing a bad thing I speak out and attempt
> to encourage the culture to change. What I'm saying is that the fact
> that lots of people agree with you doesn't make you right. You're
> actually using the same culturally-relative argument that you're then
> lambasting others for using. Except I'm not using that argument -- I'm
> telling you it's wrong.

Then you are not a cultural relativist, and I'm not sure what you are 
rambling on about.....other than refuting this phantom "in-crowd" argument. 

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