If you scroll down and read the rest you'll see the discrepancies were
within the bounds and shouldn't have been published before they were

More interesting reading:

On 6/14/06, Dana Tierney wrote:
> you passed over a statement like this to focus on a 6% discrepancy? Who says 
> the women voted Democratic? From the wikipedia article:
> "Voting locations that used electronic or other types of voting machines that 
> did not issue a paper receipt or offer auditability correlate geographically 
> with areas that had discrepancies in Bush's favor between exit poll numbers 
> and actual results. Exit polling data in these areas show significantly 
> higher support for Kerry than actual results (potentially outside the margin 
> of error). From a statistical perspective, this may be indicative of vote 
> rigging, because the likelihood of this happening by chance is extremely low. 
> A study of 16 states by a former MIT mathematics professor places the 
> likelihood at 1 in 50,000. [9]"

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