I count only 12 states (including DC) that recognize common law marriages.
Found the info here:


What I found weird reading this stuff, though, is that if you live in a
common law state, you live with a significant other, and you joke with
people that you are "married"....you may actually BE married, by law! Crazy.

On 6/15/06, William Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I suspect it should be; I believe the US has pretty good relations with
> that country.
> besides, in many states cohabitating under the same name (e.g. playing
> married) makes you common-law anyway.
> Washington provides for some hefty bonuses in the case of a common-law
> break-up...
> :-\
> --
> will
> "If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
> and that would just be unacceptable."
> - Carrie Fisher

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