They have let the Red Cross in once or twice but it's not the norm.

Access was limited really bad when those Muslims (a Chaplin and someone
else, can't remember their job, maybe intel) were caught smuggling out
documents and stuff.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gruss Gott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 9:36 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: So, does anyone still trust these guys?
> > Dana wrote:
> > well, I always thought that the point of all those Holocaust memorials
> was to make sure that the Holocaust never happened again. Right? But it's
> ok with you if people get put in camps, as long as they are Arab?
> That's off the deep end for so many reasons but 2 core ones:
> 1.) Most, if not all, of the detainees were captured "on the field of
> battle".  It's not as if the Americans wandered around Iraq pulling
> people from their homes and imprisoning them for simply being Muslim.
> 2.) Their treatment is as humane as possible.  These are not death camps.
> My core problem is that there's no review process.  So if there is
> someone there by accident we're unjustly holding them with no hope of
> trial.  So, if they were to add a review process and/or access to a
> Red Cross representative I'd be happy.  Maybe they do, I dunno.

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