The US was founded on the concept of freedom of religion and in a large part
because the early settlers werent' free to practice their religion- so it
seems proper that its one of the rights we hold most dear.  I believe some
of the obsession with it is because there are factions that want to take it
away - that want to impose their concept of religion on our kids at school,
and in our laws and who state they want to make the us a one religion

--Beth, Pseudo usenet cop
Merlin MTB, BikeE AT, RANS gliss, Trek R200, Kickbike
Owned by Kavik (Samoyed Boy) and Toklat (Keeshond Boy)
Anchorage, Alaska

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 6:58 PM
Subject: Reiogius argument in the US... Why?

> I've decided that now's the time to stick my nose in here and ask why
> this concept of state-church separation is SUCH AN ISSUE in the US?  I'm
> fascinated to know the historical background of the matter, as certainly
> here in Australia, it's simply not an issue at all.  For example:
> * AFAIK, most public schools Australia-wide no longer have a "religious
> education" curriculum (although mine conducted a very broad-based one
> when I was in early Primary School back in 75-76).  I certainly haven't
> done such a program in any of my schooling since then;
> * the church-run schools (i.e.. Catholic, Protestant, etc.) all run
> their own compulsory religious education curricula, but parents who send
> their children to these schools accept this.  As an example, I am
> "agnostic" (for want of a better word), but my daughter will be
> attending a Church of England run school as of next year, for no other
> reason than the excellence of its academic record.  She will attend
> religious education classes there and if she has questions of her
> teachers or me, I hope we can answer them in an unbiased way;
> * many of the evangelical/charismatic churches in Australia run their
> congregations out of school halls on a Sunday (mostly).  Nobody seems to
> care.  Certainly nobody I've ever met, and I consider myself to have a
> circle of friends that run the spectrum of faith/political
> leaning/general tolerance/race;
> * the government-run (mostly) national broadcaster, the ABC, has a
> significant religious component in its broadcast schedule, with weekly
> broadcasts of faith-related matter on radio and television
> (  These broadcasts would appear to be
> principally Christian-centric, but there is certainly a component of
> other faiths.  Again, I have certainly never encountered, nor heard of
> any broad objection to these broadcasts;
> * to draw a Superbowl parallel, if a known religious entertainer was to:
> - perform at one of the large government-owned/managed stadiums;
> - at a major (non-concert) event such as an NRL (Rugby League)/Super 12
> (Rugby Union)/AFL (Australian Rules) final or a cricket test match or
> one-day game (all events regularly drawing crowds in excess of 20-30000
> and up to >100000);
> - perform a work that could be interpreted as having a faith-based
> meaning;
> I truly don't think it would even be noticed;
> * the arguments that reach the media over US school districts enforcing
> evolution/creation based curricula being taught would simply never
> happen.  Basic Darwinian evolutionary theory would be the rule, almost
> without exception here.
> * I could certainly not envisage a significant number of members of
> Australian society becoming upset enough over any of these issues to
> ever take the matter to the courts;
> Just interested to know what it is I'm not getting about this whole
> argument.
> Steve
> ========================================================
> Stephen Collins, Technical Consultant - ACIS (Australia)
> Allaire Certified ColdFusion 5 Developer
>  ICQ UIN : 56321783                       Yahoo! : trib
>        Are you building your best Body-for-LIFE?
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