
lol lol

a million legal ways to invade Iraq.
Perhaps, but would the population have supported the move so heartily
if all it involved was 'Doing the right thing'?

Nope. I don't think Americans would have gotten behind that for so long.
A move like that would not have won Bush two terms in office. As soon
as things started to fall apart they would have wanted his head for a
poorly executed operation.

Also, the whole'Bad Thing' about people equating the Actions of Bush
to the Actions and Attitudes of Americans? It already started. It sort
of became rooted after the US voted him in for a second term.

On 11/11/06, Denny Valliant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11/11/06, William Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > blah blah blah. everyone who could get a deferment or hide from Vietnam 
> > > duty
> > > did
> >
> Is there some book that might be biased the other way, and point out how
> cool and saavy a businessman G.W. really was?  And while I'm on the subject,
> what would be a good counterpoint to "Blood Brothers" for a perspective on
> the stuff with Palestine and Israel, etc.?  And triple while-I'm-sorta-on-the
> -subject- that should have read John Boyd, /by/ Robert Coran (iirc[1])...  I 
> was
> emptying out the coffee pot the other day, and it hit me, that I'd transposed.
> G.W. is really low when compared to Gore or Kerry.  I for the life of me, and
> with bated breath, try to see how G.W. could have possibly gotten a rep for
> caring about the troops.  The dude was cutting death pay for crissakes, and
> not having qualms about sending our families to die for their country, 
> fighting
> something as lame as "terror".

> and I'm like, we don't have a clue.  Not a clue.
>     Frankly, it was a sin to use our anger at being attacked and turn it into
> some type of agenda furthering hoopla.

>It would be a Bad Thing if
> later on, people think "everyone" was like some so-and-so.
> I mean, our current Prez is saying if you vote for "the other party" you're
> voting for Bad Stuff.  Give me a break (and not the kit-kat kind).  I don't
> remember- have many of our last few prezez pulled so many stunts?
> Too bad memory and emotion and whatnot are all bundled or whatever.

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