Did you ever read JOB by Robert Heinlein? Good book on this subject.

My wife is Hindu and went to Episcopalian school. She is a believer, but
Hinduism isn't a missionary religion- either you are or you aren't. We don't
go to temple, though my daughter asks about going sometimes. The local
temple is a madhouse, at least that's my wife's reasoning. Personally, I am
not religious at all. I don't even call it atheist. Religion is just a
non-factor for me. Having said that, I don't have a problem with religion or
other people being religious. To each his own.

My wife and I sometimes get strange vibes from people, but since we're a
mixed couple it's out in the open and people are probably aware that
religion is not a subject we would discuss. We did have some neighbors that
tried to convert us once. Nice young couple. They invited us down to Mission
Bay for a "picnic" which turned out to be an opportunity to be re-born. My
wife bolted before the dunkings in the Bay started. I never even showed up,
I was getting "re-born" on a wave in La Jolla, hehe. They came over to our
house to ask if we could read the Bible together and they saw the big
Ganesha in the foyer. We never saw them again, which is a shame, but they
definitely were not comfortable having their child around pagan idolatry.

On 12/5/06, Zaphod  wrote:
> First off, in case you don't know, I'm agnostic.  Agnostic in the
> sense that I can't prove what's out there, but then again, if there is
> something out there, I'm certain it's not the god/gods we've been
> worshiping on this rock.  My wife grew up methodist, but no longer
> goes to church, and believes in the god of the bible.  My daughters
> have all gone to a baptist based mothers-day-out (my wifes grandmother
> is baptist and attends here) program for years up until now when my
> oldest is now in a secular school.  I kinda cringe whenever I hear my
> daughters singing these religious songs and definitely didn't like
> hearing my daughter expound on why she wanted a dress with a cross on
> it (so everyone would know that jesus died for her...and she was 5 at
> the time).  My wife also agreed with me that the dress thing was a
> little over the top so we put my daughter in public school
> kindergarten instead of the kindergarten program they had at this
> church.
> Anyway, last night we were talking about our circle of friends and how
> all the men are agnostic while the women have faith.  She remarked
> that friend A's husband would at least go to church with them to set a
> good example.  I replied that I didn't think that was setting a good
> example at all because it would be hypocrisy.  She thinks that without
> my catholic upbringing, I wouldn't have the knowledge to make my
> decision today.  I look back on my catholic upbringing as a wasted
> effort at brainwashing.  The conversation ended with this remark,
> "Let's  not talk about this anymore, this is something I'm not proud
> of"........ouch!  That was a dagger.
> The conversation wasn't heated at all, and I really don't think she
> meant to be hurtful, but it seems to me that she believes my
> agnosticism to be defect of some sort.  I didn't say anything about it
> last night, but it really did bother me throughout the night.  I have
> a feeling that most mixed religion households would probably go
> through this and that I might be overreacting.  The thing is, the
> feeling is not reciprocal, I'm neither proud nor ashamed that she's
> got a faith in god.  That's just who she is, and I'm proud of her in
> whole.
> thanks for letting me get that off my chest. :)
> feel free to chime in and tell me that this is the norm :)

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