> tBone wrote:
> See Gruss, this is where you kind of disappointed me man.  You jumped ship.
> You were of the "we broke it we bought it" mindset, now you're "all retreat
> and run".  What happened?

I came to understand the fantasy of that notion.  There is a reality
here and the reality is that there are only 2 options:

1.) We (and/or the World) provide 1,000,000+ troops for a minimum of 2
decades, or

2.) We minimize losses and pull out.

I see no middle ground.  So, you could say that I'm still on the "we
broke it" train, I've just realize that the US doesn't have the money,
talent, ability, or will to pay for what we broke.

That's the reality.  We simply can't fix it with our current
circumstances.  Period.  It's time to declare strategic bankruptcy and
pull out.

Why keep killing people's brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, sons,
and daughters for a 1 in a billion long shot?

I'm not a gambler.  I don't believe in the lottery.  I believe in fact
based analysis and that analysis says it's time to leave.

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