wow... you sitting up nights worrying over this? <g> I have to catch
the 5:22 train. What's your excuse? Oh ya, new baby....

wanders off...

On 1/29/07, Denshtarr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/28/07, Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On 1/27/07, Denny Valliant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> ....
> > Remember Al Gores lock box? He didn't come up with that because the
> > republicans were raiding the SS funds. He came up with it because
> > Clinton did. When the Internet was fresh and companies were dumping
> First off, sorry for being so short.
> I'm not saying Clinton was some angel.  I think if you look at the law,
> really, you'll see most presidents since X have been breaking it.  I
> remember reading a pretty cool article about the FBI.  And I keep
> mentioning the FedRez.
> Anyways, Bush Jr. was just plain irresponsible with our finances.
> More irresponsible than Clinton, even!  If that makes my point.
> ....
> > As for our global standing, Clinton downgraded the military, did
> > little when we were attacked and played nicely with Arafat and China.
> > In other words he weakened our position as the worlds only superpower
> > and other countries like that. I don't because I'm not sure how much I
> > can trust the next super power.
> I too wonder about Clinton and China.  But as another thread is
> starting to tie in-- this /is/ a "global community" now.  We gotta start
> acting like it.  =-/
> ....
> > Clinton is the one that raided the SS fund. Bush wanted to fix it and
> > the Dems fought like hell to leave it broken. See the problem there.
> Bush Jr. /wanted/ to fix it.  Poor dude, surrounded by yes men but
> still draws a no.  Almost magically.  Those dems really been giving
> him a tough time, like the reps did to Clinton.  Not.
> I wish tho.
> > The tuna industry that lobbied really hard to get off the list.
> > > What about those "other" industries?  Why was Tuna special?
> > > And isn't that sorta anti-capitalistic --manipulating the market?
> >
> > Not true and I published the link to prove it. You should be concern
> > about how the tuna industry almost got away without a minimum wage
> > increase.
> So what's this?:
> "... the dilemma that we have is that to lower the action levels, so they're
> protective of fetuses, it would actually put the availability of certain
> kinds of fish in question. We would lose some fish." Then he is asked: "Like
> King Mackeral [sic], shark, and swordfish?" He replies, "Well, those in
> particular, but also tuna." (emphasis added, Macro International, Inc. 2000i
> - Boston, November 8, 8 pm, pg
> 65<>
> ).
> Don't tell me there's no tom foolery going on there.
> Wages are a topic for another thread.  l-)
> > I don't buy that, sorry.  By supporting Israel, we're getting all sticky
> > > with... stuff.  Gross stuff.  And I like how you avoided the whole
> > > religious aspect as to why Bush Jr. is so "concerned" with Israel.
> >
> > Because religion has nothing to do with it.
> BS!  Sorry, but if you're saying Bush Jr. doesn't let religion effect his
> choices, I think you are mistaken.  I don't know if he "believes" of course.
> > Bush Jr. IS pretty religious, right?  That would be hard to refute at
> > > this point.  So, since he had to pull his religion into it, we have to
> > > think about the aspects of his "faith".  And don't tell me his faith
> > > isn't concerned with Israel, and not in a canary/mine-shaft way.
> >
> > Now you're implying that as a born again Christian, they want to
> > create Armageddon in Israel so the world can end and they can go to
> > heaven. That would make you either gullible or nuts. It's odd how
> there was a space right there?  Sorta like /god/ put it there for me, man!
> I mean, isn't quite a bit of this bull shit about religion?  Sure, there's
> the whole, "financial" and "stability" "hidden" aspects, but I thought
> the main deal was a problem with people who mix religion with statesmanship.
> Israel just wants peace and they're not very religious. Yet many
> > nations want to destroy them because they're Jews and you seem to be
> > ok with that. As long as you see it as a religious war it's fine. But
> What? I don't see it as anything.  A tough situation, sure.  You can
> look at history and see how things came to be that way tho.
> I'm actually warning of the dangers of seeing it as a war over religion.
> Perhaps a war over A Religion, controlling a government made up of various
> religions.  That's cool.  I really don't like law makers interpreting gods
> will
> to create law.  That's kinda dumb.  "Um, yeah, god said, like, all your
> base are belong to us".
> look at it another way. Palestinians aren't allowed citizenship in any
> > Arab nation yet they are in Israel. They aren't allowed to vote in
> > other Arab nation but they are in Israel.
> Yeah... look how stoked they are!  It's only a matter of time till they
> win their hearts and minds!  Heck, it's not like this is one of those
> age old battles over /land/, right? ( Mostly by the people drawing the
> lines on the map, vs. the folks actually living in those lines! (as
> always:))
> So do you think the nice folks blowing up women and children are the
> > good guys or are they all evil?
> Well, that depends.  Sometimes that's us.  How did that line go? "have
> you killed people?"  "Yes- but they were all bad".  True Lies.  Hehehe.
> I certainly don't think it's something that should be done on a daily basis.
> Which makes me appreciate how lucky we are, many of us, spread out
> about this planet.
> > Why do you think Israel is more important than any of the others?
> > > (since that show on PBS about the history of the region-- Turkey
> > > sounds pretty interesting.  We'll have to ask O to the funky G to
> > > elaborate ;)
> >
> > We actually work with most of the Middle Eastern countries. Remember
> > Kuwait?
> And should I go google for the the dollar counts of aid?  I'm sure we give
> just as much to Kuwait. (sly wink).
> Seriously, Turkey (if I was paying attn) managed to de-religiousitize it's
> government.  Seems to me that's a big part of the problem in that one,
> kinda /small/ area of the globe we call the middle east( although, the
> middle of what?, and east of what?  We're on a freaking globe.:).
> There's actually quite a bit going on elsewhere, but you know how our
> attention spans are.  And money and whatnot.  Oh, wait, it's about the
> principal, and fighting "terror".  Heh.  Bet some kid somewhere is
> "terrified"
> of not getting enough grub and thus dying-- does that count?  The
> terrierests
> are using Hunger!  We gotta fight 'em with bread!
> And potatoes.
> > No, every group may /want/ power, or some other sorta glass-half-empty-
> > > type-of-deal, but not all are able to use people's emotions and tragic
> > events
> > > to usurp things that rightly belong to others.  Normally there are
> > checks and
> > > balances.  I must not remember when Clinton tried to say that legally he
> > > didn't have to answer to an entire arm of the government, as I thought
> > we'd
> >
> > Didn't he spend most of his presidency trying not to answer question
> > by the courts. When he finally did he just lied and pressured his
> > witness to lie.
> Ha!  I thought you'd bring up the bit about waging a war without the
> approval
> of congress, or NAFTA or something.  Don't try to compare the lies of a
> personal nature with the lies of the sort Bush Jr. has professed.  Really
> Sam,
> it doesn't compare.
> How did Clinton's lies effect /my/ freedom?
> ....
> > I never said everyone does it and I don't agree with your assessment
> > that Bush is ignoring the judiciary.
> Well, ok.  You like the idea of having your phone tapped?  Maybe you
> wouldn't mind if some g-man tapped your mom's phone, learned of an
> affair with the gardener, and then blackmailed your mom into voting for
> a gnostic democrat president?  If it were up to "them", you'd never learn
> the power was abused--  For National Security, of course.  To keep you
> safe.
> Lilly livered bastards taking our liberties.  Fnord patriot act.
> This latest crop of them has been the worst.  Don't defent them, Sam!
> > And Ironically, the Neo-cons have taken us down several notches as
> > > "the worlds only super power".  We might not be the "only one" any
> > > more.  We certainly lost a good bit of moral ground, one of the best
> > > things we had going for us.  Thanks alot, Neo-Cons!  Way to protect
> > > and strengthen a great country!  Woot!  Soooo much better now!!!
> >
> > Are you mixing military might with moral support? Didn't they say that
> > about that cowboy Ronald Reagan until the wall came down? Sometimes
> > you have to confront the enemy to make a change for the better. Or you
> > can sit back and do nothing for decades.
> Ah, but the devil's in the details.  Hrm.  Good line for Gruss.  =]
> Our culture had more of an impact on the wall than anything else.
> Well, that and them putting the military in charge.  Smooth move X-lax!
> And now look.  Latest fashion comes from the east!  Bill started it,
> and bush was so wrapped up with his private crusade he didn't even
> notice.  If you subscribe to that whole power struggle whatnot.
> Yup, Bush Jr. pretty much sucked the marrow out of an already
> pretty skeletal assemblage... well, it wasn't just him.  No, it was
> a team effort.  Too bad we only see the best in people. =]

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