My bad, wrong link.

Here's a tidbit:

Occidental's investment in Gore has paid rich dividends. In late 1997
the Vice President championed the Administration's $3.65 billion sale
to the company of the government's interest in the Elk Hills oilfield
in Bakersfield, California, the largest privatization of federal
property in US history. On the very day the deal was sealed Gore gave
a speech lamenting the growing threat of global warming. Gore also
maintains a close friendship with Occidental CEO Ray Irani. In 1996
the latter spent the night in the Lincoln Bedroom. Two days later his
company donated $100,000 to the DNC. In 1994 Irani traveled with
Commerce Secretary Ron Brown on a trade junket to Russia. Four years
later, Irani was invited to a state dinner at the White House for
Colombian President Pastrana

On 2/28/07, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am correct am I? About what? This link seems to have been posted in
> a sarcastic attempt to show that Gore is a bad person, but I don't see
> anything here about waiving enforcement. It says that Gore's dad owned
> stock in Occidental, that Occidental gave Gore Jr campaign
> contributions and that the Clinton administration's  policies toward
> Columbia may have made it easier for Occidental to drill there. Am I
> missing something? It's interesting if true, which I will take for
> granted for the moment given the source, but the dots aren't exactly
> connected.
> On 2/28/07, Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You are correct
> >
> >
> >
> > On 2/28/07, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > My answer however is that I don't know. If he is though, he is a
> > > hypocrite in a relatively small way, especially when compared to
> > > people who claim to represent the people of the United States of
> > > America yet sign legal documents essentially giving an oil company
> > > half a billion dollars. I guess record profits aren't enough any more.
> >
> >

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