Despite all the negative publicity, not being on air for most of it, and
sponsors pulling out, Imus' 'radio-thon' raised more than 3.4 million
dollars...the highest amount in 18 years.  That speaks volumes for what
Americans think of the situation.

On 4/16/07, Dana Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Look, make a donation to the man's ranch for kids if you feel he was
> treated unfairly. (Though you might want to check out theose administrative
> costs...)
> But I'm definitely not shedding a tear on his behalf.
> Dana
> >And what of Isaiah Washington, the black actor who referred to
> homosexuals
> >as 'faggots'?  Why is that OK?  Why didn't the Reverends Sharpton and
> >Jackson condemn him and demand his job? Why wasn't the black community
> >rallied to boycott ABC and the sponsors of 'Grey's Anatomy'.  Was it
> because
> >the slur was not aimed at blacks, or because a black man uttered it?
> >
> >Its a double standard. And that is was infuriates me about this issue.
> >
> >On 4/16/07, Dana Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>

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