> > Adam wrote:
> > I wan't offering one; I was making a statement, giving an opinion.

> We already can't buy, say, 50 cal machine guns so we've already got
> gun control.  

My God... it's like you know absolutely *nothing* about anything at all, my 

Not only is it perfectly legal to own an M2 Browning .50 machine gun, I already 
have my eyes on one, as I do an M107 .50 Barrett sniper rifle.  And you can own 
a minigun, which depending on the version you have can be overclocked at 7,200 
rounds per minute (yep, that's 120 rounds per second, folks).  The one I want 
is the improved Dillon Aerospace model with the vastly improved delinker, but 
they're about $55,000 and Dillon only sells to legitimate governments, so I'll 
have to figure something out when the time comes.  And you can own some 
destructive devices as well, with the proper permit.

> Those that want gun bans are eventually going drown out
> your "experience" unless we find a workable compromise between "gun
> control" and the right to protection.

Why do you always assume we don't have this now, or that it's already too 
restrictive?  I take personal offense to the McClure-Volkmer act, which drove 
the price of *legal* machine guns up 700%, while at the same time creating a 
*huge* trade in illegal machine guns -- a trade that wouldn't have existed if 
these "brilliant" representatives hadn't screwed things up.  Tell someone they 
can't do something in America and -- guess what -- they'll start doing it, even 
if they never really wanted to in the first place.

> I'm sure there's an effective solution but I'm not an expert you
> you're clearly not either so we'll need to get advice those capable of
> giving it.

An expert in gun control legislation?  You got that right: I'm no expert.  But 
I'd say that I have a hell of a lot more experience with all sides of this than 
you do, my friend.  What do you bring to the table?

> Because my prediction is that these events are going to become more
> frequent and so is the cry for gun bans.

I don't know about more frequent, but they will continue to happen.  The future 
is a timeline and events will happen on it.  The criminally-minded will 
*always-always-always* have access to weapons that they shouldn't, no matter 
what you do, and they will do bad things with them that they shouldn't.  It 
should have no bearing whatsoever on the restrictions imposed upon sane 


Adam Phillip Churvis
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
BlueDragon Alliance Founding Committee

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