> Russ wrote:
> Not any worse than Bush == Devil that most of the people here post.

Let's take a piece of the argument: "to prove Liberalism correct, the
heartbeat didn't matter."

I would offer that this person wasn't saying "it doesn't matter" but
rather, "there are things that matter more."  This gets into the
"scared values" conundrums.  The theory goes like this:

Our culture holds sacred values -such as family and loyalty - and
secular values such as money, entertainment, etc.

One is often forced to make a trade-off between two sacred values (a
tragic trade-off), and is judged far less harshly than those who
deliberate for a long time when deciding between a secular and a
sacred value (a taboo trade-off).

For example, a hospital administrator who ponders over saving a boy's
life to save his hospital $1M causes moral outrage, while people look
more sympathetically at the administrator forced to decide between two

It matters not that the $1M could save 10 lives, the immediate two
values cannot be mismatched and still be acceptable.

So that's the problem with this argument: it attempts to engender an
emotional response based on a perceived violation of a sacred value:

In fact it could be equally argued that the life that's living is
paramount: the mother.  That is, does one being have the right to use
another being for life if that other being doesn't agree?
Essentially this is why abortions occur in the first place: they are
unwanted pregnancies; one being is using another for life and this has
a detrimental effect on the first.

You can make the responsibility argument, but that doesn't change the
fact that the result is an unwanted pregnancy.

So the problem with "pro-lifers" is that they spend all their time
trying to treat symptoms, abortion, and none trying to treat the
cause: unwanted pregnancies.  Eliminate unwanted pregnancies, and you
eliminate abortions *without* violating a sacred value.

You want a said story that would've happened regardless of abortion
laws (in fact I would argue this would increase), but not if there was
a solution to unwanted pregnancies?


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