> So I was just curious as to what you all look for in a phone? It is always
> fun to learn new things about people. Like the "What I did in a pervious
> life" thread that went around.

My company switched from Verizon to AT&T Wireless/Cingular/ATT (or, as
i like to call them, the "Death Star People") about two years ago. The
main advantage stated was that Death Star had phones that would work
in USA, Europe and Asia. All without having to switch phones or plans
or whatever, which made it great for our Execs and Sales guys based in
the US.

Death Star coverage sucks, but hey, not my decision.

At any rate there are two bottom of the line phones that were
available to me on the plan, both Motorola clamshells, both pieces of

I had a kick-ass LG--no camera, but I could store contacts with
multiple lines of info and numbers per name; it had a butt-load of
nice hands-free/voice-activated operations I could use; the call log
was formatted in such a way that it was actually useful; plus it was
damn near indestructable--I don't know how many times i dropped it. I
had to give that up in order to downgrade to the company issued Moto

well, two years goes by and my MotoCraptacular company issued phone
dies, dropped it too many times I guess.

I hand it in and ask for a replacement, I am told that the same phone
is available and if I want a better phone I'll have to buy it.

now i carry an LG CU500v. It's got a camera and MP3 player built in,
but mostly what I like about it is that it's got the LG software that
as a useable address book and got my call logging features back.

Go LG!


"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
and that would just be unacceptable."
- Carrie Fisher

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