I'm a bit jaundiced here, so take my comments with a grain of salt.

>>So. I am looking for ways to make this work, so here are the questions
>about that:
>The Hilton -- is this right downtown? OK neighborhood? My daughter is
>turning 15 and we have very little street crime in Albuquerque. I do
>not think she is ready for New Orleans by herself (in answer to can
>she be put on a plane). I am sure the French Quarter is ok, but it is
>close to some bad areas, yes? Easy to make a wrong turn?

The downtown Hilton is right on the Mississippi River next to the French 
Quarter.  It is a typical tourist area.  most of the neighborhoods within 
walking distance are fine.  The French Quarter between Bourbon and the River is 
fine as long as you stay up-river of St. Ann's.  Then that is the area that is 
a bit seedier and caters to the homosexuals.

Will she have some adult supervision?  At 15, in the Quarter, I was a bit wild, 
but we did not have adult supervision.

>Supposing I should change my mind about this, is there such a thing as
>an airplane from New Orleans to the San Carlos area?

Because of the nature of parts of the city, there are a fair number of flights 
to assorted Mexican and Central American cities.  I don't remember if San 
Carlos is one of them, but if it is a large tourist destination, then probably.
>All thoughts and suggestiosn appreciated, cause I am kinda floored...

I would only send your to New Orleans if there will be chaperones.  Compared to 
New Mexico, New Orleans is a pretty fast town.  There isn't as much street 
crime as panhandling and a lot of homeless and self proclaimed "gutter punks."  
Most are harmless, but you never can tell.

My wife might be able to help her out and keep her company.  She doesn't start 
back to school until August 13.  We don't have a place to put her up, but could 
help keep an eye on her.


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