trust me, i have dreamed about this. and plan for it in my head, but never put it to action.
s'all good, i will, the day before something is going to happen. :) On 8/16/07, Jerry Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > You are assuming the ATMs will be up, powered and working. > > And that you can buy a firearm when needed. (waiting periods? > mandatory background check without power or networks? sold out?). > > Does your truck have enough gas to get where you are going? (Do you > keep an extra gascan full in your garage, do you always keep your tank > about 1/2 a tank, and fill up when it gets there?) > > I don't actually worry about this stuff day-to-day, as I took > precautions a few years ago, and keep them up to date as needed. > > Standing in Boston, watching the Twin Towers fall, and realizing I had > 20 bucks, was 15 miles from my car (public transportation), and was > really at the mercy of others forced me to think through some of this > stuff. And watching the post-Katrina nightmare showed me how much I > want to leave my safety to the hands of our benevolent government. Add > to that a childhood as a Boy Scout, and a slight case of OCD, and I > had to do something. > > On 8/16/07, Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > we have nothing. > > > > i would hop in my truck, with my stash, with my golf clubs, with my fiancee > > and roll out to somewhere. > > > > i got an atm card, ill get my cash, ill buy a gun and be an american :) > > > > yee fucking haww > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Get the answers you are looking for on the ColdFusion Labs Forum direct from active programmers and developers. Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: