Several reasons. Our government was prepared, they got word out early, and
people cooperated- not only with the government, but with each other.

I don't include the Feds in this little love-fest. They are involved, but
all of the early work, the important work, was done by first responders from
city, county, and state agencies, including assistance from neighboring
states. There were some issues, but not huge ones, and people in government
came together and did the right thing when it counted.

San Digeo has a very well-educated, affluent population - especially in the
hardest hit areas, and we don't have a long, bloody history of racial
conflict and simmering racial tensions that New Orleans had. People here
just cooperated with each other.

On 10/25/07, Tony wrote:
> so.
> why is it that the displaced san diegans are so much better behaved
> than the displaced new orleaners?
> hmmm....

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